Visions of Grandeur

Paul Ecke Ranch
A big name for a big plant. This unique plant has large, slightly ruffled bracts that make quite a show. The color starts as a pale golden pink, darkening to a light peachy pink as the plant ages. The bracts are held flat to upright and the leaves are light green. While flowering is early to mid season, additional time in the greenhouse may produce more attractive plants depending on the color desired. This is one of the most vigorous cultivars. It will require higher rates of plant growth regulators, especially prior to or soon after pinching to prevent early rapid shoot elongation. Excessive shoot elongation and large bracts can produce a weak plant, especially in warm climates. Rings or stacking should be used with pot sizes 6.5 inches and larger. Axillary shoot development is excellent and plants are very uniform. While this cultivar produces interesting small pots, the unique bracts display better in larger formats. Visions of Grandeur received high consumer ratings.
Color Vigor Timing
Pink High Mid Season
Trial Year Bract Color Cultivar
2014 Oct. 19, 2014 Nov. 13, 2014 19.5 13.0

Visions of Grandeur
North Carolina State University