Princettia Max White

Princettia Max White is a hybrid with a true white bract color that is much better than any of the poinsettias. In fact, the color is as white as a sheet of paper. The bracts are small and, like Princettia Dark Pink, continue developing as the plants get older. Different from Princettia Dark Pink, Max White is a vigorous and more upright plant. The branching is good, but stem strength is average. The plants can be controlled with growth regulator spray and drench applications. Consumers respond to the pure white color, and Max White will potentially be important for growers in differentiated markets. Cuttings may spilt early, but pinching below the split creates a normal branched plant habit. This cultivar can be done in 4- to 8-inch containers, but it is important to control growth and provide adequate support in larger sizes. Max White flowers quickly and is an early season cultivar, but due to continued bract development, it holds well on the bench.
Color Vigor Timing
Other Novelties High Early Season
Trial Year Bract Color Cultivar
2014 Oct. 12, 2014 Nov. 2, 2014 16.5 6.5

Princettia Max White
North Carolina State University