Princettia Hot Pink

Princettias are quite different than the other hybrids in a number of ways. First, the plants are much more compact, especially Pure White, and cyathia clusters are close in size and style to traditional poinsettias. University of Florida trial noted that not all plants developed pollen producing anthers and some of the cyathia dropped prior to reaching anthesis. Combined with the prolific branching, the Princettias display a myriad of white, pink or red stars on top of the dark green foliage. In fact, the Princettia series is probably the closest in look to the regular poinsettias. Plants are naturally well suited to containers less than 6-inches in diameter, but can be easily grown in larger containers with additional time in the schedule. In the middle or northern areas, add at least two weeks for the pinks and three weeks for the white. Princettia Pink Queen had the largest growth habit and bract size of the series, with Pure White and Hot Pink generally were the most compact. Overall, the Princettia line required little to no PGR applications even in warmer conditions. Colors ranged from the truest white available in poinsettias, on the appropriately named Pure White cultivar, to red. The latter had a few small flecks of pink on the bracts. Of the pinks, Pink Queen was closest in color to Luv-U-Pink, while Dark Pink was darker and Hot Pink brighter than Pink Queen. Finishing Dark Pink under cool conditions will bring out a purplish bract color. Foliage is dark green and foliage is elongated. Plants flowered early to mid-season.
Color Vigor Timing
Other Novelties Low Mid Season
Trial Year Bract Color Cultivar
2017 Sept. 18, 2017 Nov. 15, 2017 14.0 7.0

Princettia Hot Pink
North Carolina State University

Trial Year Bract Color Cultivar
2017 Oct. 25, 2017 Nov. 23, 2017 16.5 19.0
2017 Nov. 2, 2017 Dec. 4, 2017 14.0 14.5

Princettia Hot Pink
University of Florida

Princettia Hot Pink
University of Florida