Luv U Pink

Paul Ecke Ranch
Luv U Pink has been used in October and spring markets for 3 or 4 years. Now cuttings will be available for use in the poinsettia market. This is a hybrid and has characteristics different from traditional poinsettias, including numerous small flat bracts. Bract color is a brilliant pink that will be deeper if plants are finished under cooler temperatures. Luv U Pink continues producing new layers of bracts, and it can be held and marketed over a longer period then most poinsettias. The plants can be sold with a few bracts in early to mid-November or held 7-14 days longer when the plants will have multiple layers of bracts. However, it does not develop many cyathia, and those that do develop tend to drop quickly before opening. It is not unusual for Luv U Pink cuttings to split early, but both the split and not split cuttings make nice plants. The plants are vigorous and require more growth regulation. Growth habit and shoot length are not uniform, which along with the small leaves results in plants that do not have a full uniform canopy expected of traditional poinsettia cultivars. While this is not a typical style or color for use at Christmas, the striking color creates significant interest with consumers. At the UF student sale the past two years, customer demand for this cultivar was greater than for any other non-red poinsettia. Luv U Pink can be used as a pinched plant in all of the common sizes from 4 to 10 inches with proper growth regulator use.
Color Vigor Timing
Other Novelties High Early Season
Trial Year Bract Color Cultivar
2018 Oct. 19, 2018 Nov. 13, 2018 21.0 9.5
2017 Oct. 20, 2017 Nov. 15, 2017 22.5 9.0
2015 Oct. 12, 2015 Nov. 9, 2015 22.5 10.0
2014 Oct. 8, 2014 Nov. 7, 2014 21.0 9.5

Luv U Pink
North Carolina State University

Luv U Pink
North Carolina State University

Luv U Pink
North Carolina State University

Luv U Pink
North Carolina State University

Trial Year Bract Color Cultivar
2017 Nov. 2, 2017 Nov. 11, 2017 18.5 20.0
2016 Nov. 1, 2016 Nov. 18, 2016 14.0 12.5

Luv U Pink
University of Florida

Luv U Pink
University of Florida